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Would you like to make a donation, give a gift, or tithe online to K.C.C.? Now you can!  As you do your online banking through Bill Pay, simply add K.C.C. to the list of payments.  We searched for the best online option, and discovered that most people use Bill Pay through their bank. While your gift to K.C.C. is not a bill, it is handled the same way.  When you go through your personal bank and use Bill Pay, 100% of the gift goes directly to ministries at K.C.C. The information you will need is as follows:  


KCC c/o Glenn Bagley, 473 Fairview Rd., Kenbridge, VA  23944.


In the memo line please type which offering you would like it to go towards (offering/tithe, Good Samaritan Fund, Memorial Gift, Harvest Festival, etc.). 


Thank you for being the good needed and assisting our ministries at Kenbridge Christian Church.

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