Monday: “What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.” -Captain (from Cool Hand Luke). Communication can be difficult sometimes can’t it?! From assuming to just blatant disregard…misinterpretation to no communication at all, a ‘failure to communicate’ causes issues in our marriages, our jobs, our families, or churches. Beginning this coming Sunday we will be communicating the concept of developing faithfulness. As we have looked at the faithfulness of God we now dig in to the need of being faithful in several areas ourselves. Pray for us. Pray for our leadership, our minister, our country, our church, our communities, our neighbors. Pray we communicate the goodness and need of God clearly. God, help us be the good needed. In Jesus name, amen.
Tuesday: Over the past few weeks we have seen the faithfulness of God in a variety of ways. There is no doubt that God is faithful. The question is: What effect will His faithfulness have on all of us? God is faithful. He calls His followers to be faithful as well. Pray for yourself today. Pray for your faithfulness to God in all aspects. Pray for your prayer life, your Bible reading and studying, and your attendance in worship. Pray for your witness and your outreach. Pray for your giving of attention, service, time, finances, abilities. Pray you personally grow in faithfulness. Father, help me learn and grow. Let this growth not be short term but for the long haul. Draw me closer and make me better. In Jesus, amen.
Wednesday: Faithfulness- “to follow through with a commitment regardless of difficulty”; “firm in belief, reliable; dependable; honest; loyal. Consistent in the performance of duties or service. Steady; not fickle.” Those are some pretty good definitions, huh? Read it again and notice that no where in any of those definitions of faithfulness do we see the word: Perfect. We ain’t gotta be perfect to be faithful. While we do aim for perfection, God knows we will never be perfect. Our calling is to be faithful…not perfect. God, thank You for taking the pressure off to be perfect. Help me be faithful in all my ways. In Jesus, amen.
Thursday: As followers of Jesus, we are called to be faithful in several areas of life. Over the next couple months we will dig into these areas individually. We will see the need to be faithful in our attendance, our serving, prayer life, outreach, parenting, marriage and more. God is calling us to be loyal and reliable…to be…faithful. We must unswervingly hold fast to God and His way. Lord, help us grow in our faithfulness and be committed to You. In Jesus, amen.
Friday: As we strive to develop and grow faithfulness in our lives we need to realize that temptations will come. That was simple enough, huh? Oh, if it were only that easy. You see, once we realize the areas of temptation with which we struggle, then we must develop plans to overcome/fight/not fall for said temptations. With the help of The Holy Spirit and the help of actively worshiping we can be and do better. Even Jesus was tempted in every way we are. Let’s learn how He overcame and put it into practice. Father, help me learn to fight smarter and better. Grow me inside and out. Grow us all. In Jesus, amen.
Saturday: We live in a world that is not Christian. Let’s be honest with ourselves and declare that America truly is no longer a Christian Nation. With laws that allow blatant sins to be allowed from relationships to murder, to politicians who push and promote the same…we, as a Nation, no longer truly resemble our Father in heaven. Pray for us. Lord, help us be faithful. In Jesus name, amen.