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Monday: The book of Proverbs contains 4 sections that provide wisdom and warnings about matters of…sex. This topic is avoided by most churches while we here at KCC have tackled this subject a few times knowing the dangers it can bring and the problems that arise when we step away from the way God designed this beautiful gift. When these 4 sections are put all together, they become the longest and most extensive teaching on sexual morality found in the entire Bible. Pray for this subject to be discussed thoroughly, biblically, clearly and for all to pay attention to this treasure God created for us. O, Lord, the awkwardness that comes from this topic. Show us Your truth and help us get out of our own way. Mature us and grow us in Your Wisdom. In Jesus name, amen.


Tuesday: King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines(a sexual partner who didn’t get wifey rights). On one hand it ain’t surprising that Solomon would devote so much attention to being wise about sex knowing he had 1,000 ladies of his own. On the other hand, it’s kind of ironic that it doesn’t look like he followed his own advice. Maybe he wrote all this to show the error of his ways. Maybe he is trying to warn his children to not follow the same paths. Maybe he is teaching us to teach our children the same needed information. Lord, help us learn from the mistakes of others. Show us Your way. In Jesus name, amen.


Wednesday: Solomon first brings up this heated topic in Proverbs 2:16-19 (check it out). He then brings it back up in Proverbs 5:3-14 and again in Proverbs 6:22-35 which flows on into all 27 verses of Proverbs 7. Read all 57 of these verses from these 4 sections. Starting to get the message? Solomon and God both sure hope we do. Solomon starts at the same spot each time: pleading with his son to obey the words and treasure these commands. Why? Because they lead to true life and will guard him from sin and foolishness. Ain’t that a solid prayer over our own children? Father, cover our youth. Cover our adults too! Help us all to learn the dangers of sinful living. In Jesus name, amen.


Thursday: Over and over and over in scripture we see the need to guard our hearts against certain things. Why? Is it really a big deal? Can that little picture…that one video…that model…that movie scene…that one little nothing item really cause issues? Abso-freakin-lutely! An avalanche begins with just a small something that compounds and grows and grows until it’s a wreck bringing destruction all around. Set blocks. Set walls. Set guardrails. Use accountability partners. Avoid certain people/places/things/ideas. "Guard your heart for it’s the wellspring of life(Prov. 4:23).” Lord, help us. Protect us. In Jesus name, amen.


Friday: “Flee sexual immorality! Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the person who is sexually immoral sins against his own body (1 Cor. 6:18).” No other sin sticks in your memory like sexual ones. You remember every detail. It sticks. Other things can fade…but Scripture warns how these sins stick. Stay away! Learn to listen! Follow Gods desire! Lord, help us set up guardrails to protect not only ourselves but those around us.  In Jesus, amen.


Saturday: The beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that no matter how far we’ve strayed off the path of Gods wisdom and way, it’s never too late to grow in wisdom and become better, stronger, forgiven. We can learn to properly employ Gods wisdom in the present and for the future. This brings life! Father, poor Your healing help and care over us and those around us. In Jesus name, amen.

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